AFC | Automatic Frequency Control |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat-reQuest. |
BER | Bit Error Ratio |
BPSK | Binary Phase Shift Keying |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CDPSK | coherent differential phase-shift keying |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check. |
CW | Continuous Wave – an unmodulated RF signal or tone |
CW | Continuous Wave |
dB | decibel |
dBm | dB referenced to one milliwatt. Zero dBm equals one milliwatt. |
dBw | dB referenced to one Watt. Zero dBm equals one Watt. |
DPSK | differential phase-shift keying. |
DSB | double-sideband transmission |
DSP | Digital Signal Processing |
EbNo | The ratio given by Eb/No, where Eb is the signal energy per bit and No is the noise energy per hertz of noise bandwidth. |
EDGE | Enhanced Data-Rate for GSM Evolution |
EHF | extremely high frequency. |
EIRP | effective isotropically radiated power |
EMC | electromagnetic compatibility |
EMI | electromagnetic interference |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission |
FDD | Frequency Division Duplex |
FDMA | frequency-division multiple access |
FHSS | frequency-hopping spread spectrum |
FSK | frequency-shift keying |
GHz | gigahertz. A unit of frequency denoting 109 Hz. |
GMSC | Gateway Mobile Switching Center |
GSM | Global System for Mobility |
HLR | Home Location Register |
HRPD | High Rate Packet Data |
HSDPA | High-Speed Downlink Packet Access |
HSS | Home Subscriber Server. |
Hz | Hertz. The unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second. |
IF | intermediate frequency |
IFL | Inter-Facility Link |
IM | intermodulation |
IM3 | Third-Order Intercept Point |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IPTV | Internet Protocol Television |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
kHz | kilohertz |
LAN | Local Access Networks |
LF | Low Frequency |
LPFM | Low-power FM radio |
MAC | Media Access Control |
MFSK | Multiple Frequency-Shift Keying |
MHz | megahertz. |
MIMO | Multiple Input Multiple output |
MVNO | Mobile Virtual Network Operation |
NF | Noise Figure |
OFDMA | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access |
PAR | peak-to-average ratio |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
PEP | Peak Envelope Power |
PM | Phase Modulation |
PX | Peak envelope power |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QPSK | Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying |
RF | Radio Frequency |
SSB | single-sideband transmission |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
TDD | Time Division Duplex |
TDD | Time Division Duplex |
TDMA | time-division multiple access |
UHF | ultra high frequency |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System |
UWB | ultra wideband |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VLF | Very Low Frequency |
VOIP | Voice over IP |
VSWR | Voltage Standing Wave Ratio. |
W-CDMA | Wideband Code Division Multiple Access |
Wi-Fi | Wireless-Fidelity |