- Large telecommunication project experience with teams up to 50 engineers.
• Line, staff and project management experience.
• Complex system designs for telecom, wireless, satcom, and datacomm.
• A long history of working with the customers’ engineers and leadership team.
• System design consulting services to large domestic, American and overseas clients.
• Extensive leading edge experience in wireless, satellite and telecom system development.
• Professional Engineer, Province of BC
• IEEE certified Wireless Communications Professional
Tech-Knows Services Inc, Oct 2011 to present
Consulting on wireless system design and implementation, technology development and education. Tech-Knows is expert in wireless Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication including satellite, cellular and short range RF.
Sample Projects:
• Customer’s engineer to manage a subcontracting company for a custom wireless modem development
• Aeronautical link analysis, system design
• Proof of concept demo system for an aeronautical radio link
• Troubleshooting of EMI and wireless performance issues to acheive EMI approval and carrier acceptance
• Change and project management in a small and growing wirelss product company
• System design of wireless connectivity outdoor game tracking system
• Indoor propagation research and technology recommendation for highrise apartment system
Nebula Manufacturing Inc, Mar. 2009 to Sep. 2011.
Business Development
Responsible for developing new business opportunities for a fiber optics telecommunications company.
• Developed a presence in the power utility industry via trade shows and conferences.
• Addition of new customers and revenue outside the company’s traditional telecom service provider market.
Argon Security Technologies Inc., 2003 – 2008
Vice President Research and Development
Responsible for all aspects of technology development in a wireless video surveillance company.
• Proof of concept system completed in five months.
• Two contract awards from the US Government for development of prototype equipment.
• Development and release to production of two versions of a complex rapid deployment video wireless surveillance system.
• One patent was filed.
PMC-Sierra, 1997 – 2003
Director Product Development, Wireless Products Mar 2001 – Jan 2003
Day-to-day management and budget responsibility for up to 60 staff in two locations.
• The department created two very complex integrated circuits, related control software and state-of-the-art signal processing technologies.
• Personnel turnover was minimal despite huge industry turmoil at the time.
• Developed the initial technology strategy for a new class of products. As a result of this work the company decided to pursue this area more aggressively.
• I launched a drive to reduce development test time. By automating and restructuring, regression testing was reduced from two months to one week.
• Working with QA and my department management I drove the creation of a new development process.
Director Product Research – Nov 2001 – Mar 2001
Manager Product Research – Sep 1997 – Nov 2001
The Product Research organization was responsible for a range of items not directly related to the day-to-day operations, but needed to ensure the long term technical health and product road map of the organization.
• Successfully developed and ran PMC-Sierra’s System Vision process. This process focused on network evolution and system design to create a product roadmap.
• More than doubled the patent filings from less than one per month in 1997 to two or three per month in 2001.
• With staff, the TIA and partners successfully lobbied the BC government to initiate the “Double the Opportunity” program in BC. This program increased by 80% the number of students in information technology programs in BC’s universities.
• Many speaking engagements including conferences, Advanced System Institute Distinguished Speaker, and invited speaker on creating a patent portfolio.
• Many Board and Committee positions held including positions at UBC, BCIT, TR Labs and other bodies.
HN Telecom Feb 1997 – Aug 1997
Senior Systems Engineer
HN Telecom is a telecommunications consulting company focused on radio communications.
• System analysis for wireless bypass service provider.
• Third party customer acceptance testing on time and within a tight budget.
MPR Teltech, 1982 – 1996
MPR Teltech was a telecom R&D consulting firm with clients in the USA, overseas, and Canada. I had a variety of positions over 14 years with increasing responsibility.
Development Manager, Rural Radio Feb. – 1994 to Dec. 1996
Section Manager, Modem Development Dec. – 1992 to Feb. 1994
Hardware Development Manager, VSAT June – 1991 to June 1993
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Systems Group – Jan. 1991 to June 1991
Member of Technical Staff, Various Departments – Jun. 1982 to Dec. 1990
- Completed system design, development and test of a digital rural telecommunications system in 20 months. Hit the material cost estimate within a few percent. The technical team consisted of 18 engineers plus contractors with an equal number of employees providing marketing, sales and production.
• Completed system design and prototype equipment for GTE’s digital air-to-ground communications system. This system advanced the state of the art in aeronautical mobile communications and was installed on 1500 aircraft.
• Completed a VSAT technology transfer project with three Korean companies and the Korean government. The project team consisted of 33 Korean engineers and 20 Canadian engineers.
• Designed and built one of the first packet data over cellular systems as a demonstration project.
• Completed negotiation of specifications for satellite ground station subsystems with Japanese OEM vendors.
• System designer for one of the first very small aperture (VSAT) packet-data satellite terminals.
• Many designs for satellite ground stations including analog, RF, IF, digital and assembly level software.
- Management of High-Technology Companies, Stanford/AEA, 1999
• Management Skills for Advanced Technology, SFU, 1988.
• BASc, Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, 1982.
• DiplT, Electronics, British Columbia Institute of Technology, 1975.
• Two courses (4th yr and grad level) in electrical power, UBC Fall session 2003
• Numerous short courses, seminars and conferences.
Telecommunications Research Labs 2000 – 2002, 2005 – 2008
Board Member
TR Labs is Canada’s largest information and communications technology (ICT) R&D consortium. This not-for-profit organization is one of the most industry-invested R&D vehicles in Canada.
Results Obtained:
• Board term extended at the request of other board members and management.
• Provide support and guidance to management as they transition the organization through mandate changes according to the primary funders’ (three Provincial governments and the Federal government) dictates.
• As part of my duties on the Finance and Audit Committee updated the financial reporting to improve transparency.