Get a pass on your certification test.

Passing certification is often stressful. Your trial customer is happy and now you want to ramp up production. But first you need to pass one or more of the following tests:

Government regulator tests (FCC, CE, IC)

  • Unintentional radiation
  • Intentional radiation
  • EMI susceptability
  • Specific absorption rate

Industry tests

If your product attaches to a cellular network then you must address:

  • Total Radiated Power
  • Total Isotropic Sensitivity
  • Radiate Spurious Emissions (Gen 2 GSM)

Failures come with a variety of root causes with the most common being:

  • Grounding
  • PCB design
  • Antenna performance
  • Antenna match
  • Self interference (receiver desensitization)

We have experience in resolving all of these failure mechanisms.